AD4/2017年11月 CIPS 五级:采购与供应高级文凭(Advanced diploma in procurement and supply)
《采购与供应中的类别管理》Category Management in Procurement and Supply
日期:日期:2017 年 11 月 14 日 星期二
时间 开始 14:00 结束 17:00 历时 3 小时
考生注意事项:Instructions for Candidates:
本试卷由四道必答题组成,每题 25 分,共 100 分。
This examination has FOUR compulsory questions worth 25 marks each.
1. 在未得到监考官允许之前,请勿翻阅试卷。
Do not open this question paper until instructed by the invigilator.
2. 请将答案填写在答题纸上。
All answers must be written in the answer booklet provided.
3. 请将草稿也写在答题纸背面,交卷前请将草稿部分作一删除记号。
All rough work and notes should also be written in the answer booklet.
问题 Questions
建议你每题用 45 分钟作答。
You are advised to spend 45 minutes on each question.
1. 组织开发类别管理方法时可以从"成本分析"开始。论述该分析中可能包含的成本类型。(25 分) An organisation developing a category management approach may typically begin by undertaking a ‘cost analysis . Examine the various types of costs which could be included in this
( a)最近的研究发现,供应商在某些行业中的平均利润率(例如信息技术设备行业),远远高于
在其他 行业中的利润率。因此,买方有时会支付相对较高的价格。
论述买方在某些领域中会比在其它领域中支付更高价格的两个原因。(10 分)
Recent research has found that average margins achieved by suppliers in some industries, such as the information technology (IT) equipment sector, are significantly higher than margins achieved in other sectors. Therefore, purchasers are sometimes paying relatively high prices.
Suggest TWO possible reasons why purchasers might pay relatively higher prices in some sectors than in others.
(b) -个组织在来自国际供应商的专业原材料供应方面遇到了困难。虽然购买的数量和价格都相
针对此类支出,描述可以运用的两种不同的组合工具。(15 分)
An organisation has experienced difficulties in the supply of specialised raw materials which are sourced from an international supplier. While the volumes purchased and prices paid
are relatively low, its operations are severely disrupted when the raw materials are not available.
Apply TWO different portfolio tools to this category of expenditure.
(a) "联合提案改进"方法,即买方和供应商在其合同内-起合作,共同提高绩效或使合同向相
描述使用联合提案改进方法的好处与风险。(12 分)
‘Joint proposition improvement is an approach where a buyer and supplier work together under their contract to jointly improve performance or to develop the contract for their mutual gain.
0escribe the benefits and risks of using a joint proposition improvement approach.
论述组织为了成功实施反向电子拍卖应该考虑的因素。 (13 分)
Many organisations have moved towards the use of reverse e-auctions as a means of obtaining prices from suppliers.
Suggest the factors that an organisation should take into account to implement reverse e- auction successfully.
4. 论述在实施类别管理过程中可以用来测量绩效的恰当绩效测量工具和技术。(25 分)
Suggest appropriate performance measurement tools and techniques to measure performance when implementing a category management process.
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