CIPS 五级:采购与供应高级文凭
(Advanced diploma in procurement and supply)
Improving competitiveness of supply chains
日期 2017 年 5 月 18 日 星期四
时间 开始 14:00 结束 17:00 历时 3 小时
考生注意事项:Instructions for Candidates:
This examination has FOUR compulsory questions worth 25 marks each.
1. 在未得到监考官允许之前,请勿翻阅试卷。
Do not open this question paper until instructed by the invigilator.
2. 请将答案填写在答题纸上。
All answers must be written in the answer booklet provided.
3. 请将草稿也写在答题纸背面,交卷前请将草稿部分作一删除记号。
All rough work and notes should also be written in the answer booklet.
问题 Questions
You are advised to spend 45 minutes on each question.
1. 分析丰田公司通过在成本降低、质量改进以及创新方面实施有效的供应链管理而实现的增值。
Analyse the added value that has been achieved at Toyota through effective supply chain management in the areas of cost reduction, improving quality and creating innovation.
a) 表 5(丰田公司出口情况)中有一行数据显示了从 2003 年至 2012 年向拉丁美洲(Latin
America)出口汽车的数量。根据此行数据计算:(9 分)
Table 5 (‘Toyota Exports from Japan’) includes a line showing the number of vehicles exported to Latin
America during the period 2003 to 2012. For this line in the table calculate the:
i) 算术平均数 (arithmetic mean )
ii) 中位数 (median )
iii) 众数 (mode.)
b) 案例中提到,丰田公司在2012年年报中指出了改变其供应链运作性质的八项提案。针对任意四项 提案,分别描述一种可用来衡量其绩效的关键绩效指标(KPI) 。 (16分)
The case states that Toyota’s Annual Report of 2012 identified eight ‘intentions’ for changing the nature
of its supply chain operations.
Outline a measurable Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for any FOUR of these intentions that Toyota could utilise to measure its performance.
3. 利用恰当的理论,评价丰田公司如何通过其产品范围、品牌形象以及客户关怀形成差异化优势。
Using appropriate theory, evaluate how Toyota creates differential advantage through its range of products, its brand image and its customer care.
4. 建议丰田公司可以采用的五种新技术,并解释如何应用每种技术来改进其供应链运作。 (25 分)
Suggest FIVE developments in technology that Toyota might adopt and explain how each could be applied to promote improvements in its supply chain.