CIPS 五级:采购与供应高级文凭
(Advanced diploma in procurement and supply)
Improving competitiveness of supply chains
日期 2016 年 5 月 19日 星期四
时间 开始 14:00 结束 17:00 历时 3 小时
考生注意事项:Instructions for Candidates:
This examination has FOUR compulsory questions worth 25 marks each.
1. 在未得到监考官允许之前,请勿翻阅试卷。
Do not open this question paper until instructed by the invigilator.
2. 请将答案填写在答题纸上。
All answers must be written in the answer booklet provided.
3. 请将草稿也写在答题纸背面,交卷前请将草稿部分作一删除记号。
All rough work and notes should also be written in the answer booklet.
问题 Questions
You are advised to spend 45 minutes on each question.
1. 针对咖啡的供应,评估咖啡零售商在其供应源搜寻的每个阶段中应当考虑的因素。(25分)
Evaluate the factors that a coffee retailer should consider, at each stage of the sourcing process, for its
supplies of coffee.
a) 区分案例中术语“质量”的三种不同含义。(15分)
Distinguish between THREE alternative definitions of the term ‘quality’ in the context of the case study.
b) 质量领域的著名作家建议“质量免费”,即相较于实施成本,有效的质量体系能够为企业节省更
结合本咖啡案例研究评价这一建议。 (10分)
A leading writer on quality, suggests that ‘quality is free’, in the sense that effective quality systems save
an organisation more than they cost to implement. This approach suggests that organisations should
identify and analyse prevention costs and the potential costs of quality failures.
Evaluate this suggestion in the context of the coffee case study.
3. 运用案例材料,解释咖啡零售商可以识别并应用的差异化优势的来源,使其获得超越对手的竞争
Explain, using material from the case study, the potential sources of differential advantage that a coffee
retailer may identify and apply to achieve competitive advantage over its market rivals.
4. 运用案例材料,解释在咖啡供应链中协作关系为供应商和客户带来的利益。(25分)
Explain, using material from the case study, the benefits for suppliers and customers of collaborative
relationships within the coffee supply chain.